Friday, August 7, 2009

Tyson, 1 week old!

I only lost 4 ozs and by my first Dr's appt. I had gained it all back.

I think I like this thing they call eating!

Mommy says I need to learn to stay awake during the daytime and sleep at night.

I like doing it the other way around.

The look of pure love!

I wonder why mommy is always so tired.

Here comes Grandma with that camera again.

Why do they always think I'm smiling. I just have gas!

It's so hard to hold my eyes open Grandpa.

1 comment:


Yay Tyson! That's some good eatin'! Tell your mama to take a nap with you during the day :)

Jamie looks great! And good for her for putting on jeans and a watch - I don't think I got out of my pajamas at all that first month... except for doctor appts of course!