Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Feeding the Finches

Ok Denise you should be proud of little Barry. He wanted to do his part to help the birds out in winter. He and Grandpa went to the store and bought special finch food and feeder for the finches. They hung it out back on a shepherds hook and put suet in one of the trees. In spring we will hang the hummingbird feeder on the other side of the hook. He loves to feed the birds at Great Grandmas with the peanuts........ ok well the truth is he would rather eat the peanuts but he likes the idea of feeding them.

1 comment:


Great job little man! I am very proud of you, and I bet those finches are very grateful for your generosity. Did you know that your finches are the same kind that we have here in Mississippi right now? That's pretty cool, don't you think?